We are very pleased that this month’s program will be a discussion of the huge national story happening right here in San Diego county. Mark Lane ECO of Minority Humanitarian Foundation and a panel of activists will tell us about the refugees and asylum seekers at the border. The Minority Humanitarian Foundation is a cross border charity that has helped deliver supplies to asylum seekers in Tijuana and has found temporary housing for asylum seekers when they arrive in the US. Mark will help us find the real story behind the real people affected by the crisis that Trump has cynically manufactured and exploited.
We will also hear briefly from Brandon McDonald from the Western Service Workers Alliance who will let us know about the work they are doing to advocate for San Diego families who struggle to pay their water bill and often have this critical resource cut off from them. He will explain more about this important, but unknown issue and answer any questions our members may have.
We will be holding our Executive Board election and voting on some bylaws changes at our February 26thmeeting. You can expect an email with more information in the next 2 weeks.