We will be kicking off our Year of Action with a jam packed exciting meeting on the 28th:
1. Executive Board Elections.
Our first order of business will be our annual Executive Board Elections. Our nominating committee would like to submit the following slate of names*:
President: Lauren Macdonald
Vice-President: Will Moore
Secretary: Darlanne Mulmat
Treasurer: Susan Lane
Membership: Tricia Tellefsen
Publicity: Kathy Krevat
*The floor will be open for additional nominations at the meeting.
A big thank you to Christina Nowacki who has served as Treasurer for the entire life of this club. We appreciate all she has done and look forward to still seeing her at meetings & events.
2. Our Endorsed Candidates:
We will be getting updates and hearing about volunteer opportunities from our two endorsed candidate campaigns: Will Moore for City Council District 1 and Olga Diaz for County Supervisor District 3.
3. Presidential Candidates:
We have invited staff or volunteers from all of the Democratic campaigns to come and give us a short pitch why we should vote for their candidate and answer any questions our members may have. We have confirmations from the Warren, Buttigieg, Biden, and Yang campaigns. We have heard from the Sanders & Klobuchar campaigns and expect to have confirmations soon. The Steyer & Bloomberg campaigns have been reached out to, but have not responded (if any of you have any connections to them please let me know).
4. Other Candidates:
Since the election will be right around the corner I fully expect other candidates to come and say hello. Candidates for County Judge and the Democratic Central Committee have already expressed interest.