February 2023 Meeting! SANDAG & District 1 Update

Hello!  Carmel Valley Democratic Club is very happy to announce that our first meeting of 2024 is a great one!  At 6:00 pm on Tuesday, February 28 we will meet in person (and on zoom)  at the Carmel Valley Library Community Room. SANDAG will be on deck to update us on two timely issues.

However, first we are very lucky to be joined by our City Council Member Joe LaCava, who will join us to give us a District One update and answer our questions. 

Then our main topic will be SANDAG.  The San Diego Association of Governments or SANDAG brings together local decision-makers to develop solutions to regional issues, including improvement in equity, transportation, air quality, clean energy, economic development, goods movement, public health, public safety, housing, and more. The board of directors serves as the governing board. You may have read in the news recently about the two different voting processes they use. Allie DeVaux from SANDAG will explain how this structure evolved and how it is used in practice.

One of the primary ways SANDAG plans for the future is through the Regional Plan, a long-term vision for how people and goods will move in the 21st century. The agency is currently focused on speeding up the delivery of some major infrastructure projects in the plan, one of which (near and dear to Carmel Valley residents) is to stabilize the LOSSAN rail corridor from erosion along the Del Mar Bluffs and relocate the tracks off the bluffs. SANDAG’s Bruce Smith will highlight preliminary results from the Alternative Alignment and Improvement Study and share ways the community can provide feedback through upcoming listening sessions. 

We look forward to seeing you Tuesday, February 28th, starting at 6:00 pm at the Carmel Valley Library Community Room.

Once again, the meeting will be held both in person and on Zoom.  I know we have not achieved perfection in the hybrid meeting, but we like to think it has improved each meeting and hope it will be even better on the 28th. 

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