Monthly Meeting


At our last meeting, Jessica Hayes laid out the immense possibilities we have here in SD to turn all of our leadership Blue! (If you missed that meeting the video is here) We now turn our focus to what's next! What do we do with this information? 

This month we turn towards what Democratic clubs do best - grassroot mobilization! It's time for some FUN. Have you noticed lately what is happening with recent congressional races in Kansas and Georgia? Don't EVER underestimate the power and effectiveness of a fired up grassroot organization! 

To ignite our club into our part of this mobilization, we welcome Hugh Rothman, director of grassroots organizing (GO Team) for San Diego democrats countywide. Hugh has been a member of GoTeam since 2008, as well as previously serving as a Precinct Leader, the Rancho Bernardo Community Coordinator and Data Coordinator, and the North Inland Regional Community Coordinator and Data Coordinator. He is a UCSD alum with 32 years of industry experience as a software engineer. He is the Vice-President of the Rancho Bernardo Democratic Club and serves as the Treasurer and Government Relations Subcommittee Chairperson on the Rancho Bernardo Community Council.

About the Go Team... an interesting history... originally founded as an on-going way for communities to get to know their neighbors through social events, educational programs and neighborhood support, it has grown into a community wide means of connection and collaboration. While ultimately the GO Team is a group of volunteers who canvass prospective voters to inform them of candidates and propositions supported by the national, state and county Democratic Parties, our daily activities focus on creating connection; often through engaging events that help our environment, children, citizens and immigrants. Our ultimate purpose is to increase voter turnout and to increase the election of Democratic candidates and passage of propositions we support.

Precincts that are canvassed by precinct leaders in San Diego County have a 10% greater Democratic voter turnout than precincts that are not canvassed. Precinct leaders who canvass their neighborhood election after election develop lasting personal connections which builds on our Democratic community including increased numbers of volunteers and club members. All of these lead to ELECTING MORE DEMOCRATS!
We are EXCITED for what will transpire from this meeting! Please join us!


 Come join us at our members monthly meeting. It is open to members and guests. There are almost 40 Democratic clubs located across San Diego County. Carmel Valley Democratic Club focuses on the the issues and elected politicians directly affecting our San Diego communities. We proudly support Democrats in California, and across the country. We are the grassroots of the Democratic Party. 

Socializing / Registration 6:00 - 6:30

Meeting starts promptly at 6:30, and includes club business and guest speaker

We end promptly at 7:30 (due to library closing)

We thank you for not bringing any food or drinks into the library.

April 25, 2017 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Carmel Valley Library
3919 Townsgate Dr
San Diego, CA 92130
United States
Google map and directions
Divya ·

Will you come?