Dear Fellow CVDC Members & Friends:
It's been a busy and productive several months for the Carmel Valley Democratic Club since our introductory get-together at our home in February. Since then, we have built a thriving club of more than 100 members and have held informative and enlightening monthly meetings for our membership.
As we approach the holiday season, my wife, Lynne Bath-Freeley, and I would like to personally invite you to our home for a Carmel Valley Democratic Club Potluck Holiday Mixer on Monday, Dec. 11.
Your board of Directors has chosen to hold this holiday mixer to provide you an opportunity to have some engaging conversations with one another in a warm and welcoming environment.
*Note: In recognition of the holiday season, this mixer replaces our November and December membership meetings and will allow planning for a very busy 2018 mid-term election year.
* Please bring your favorite appetizer or drink to share with our fellow Club members.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
– Tom Freeley
4526 Tarantella Ln
San Diego, CA 92130
United States
Google map and directions