February 2021 Monthly Meeting

The Carmel Valley Democratic Club has a great first meeting of 2021 planned for Tuesday January 26th, at 6:00 via Zoom. (Register here)

1. Executive Board Elections 

2. Newly elected City Councilmember Joe LaCava.  We are very happy to be able to congratulate him and hear his city update

3. Shawn VanDiver and Will Moore, representatives from the Truman National Security Project will present: UnPresidented: The Path to a Coup Attempt, and Rebuilding a Nation With Consequences. 

VanDiver and Moore will discuss what led to the coup attempt on January 6th and what legal security steps will be required to restore our democracy and the rule of law. They will also cover the white supremacy groups operating in the San Diego region. 

From the Truman website: Truman is a nationwide membership of diverse leaders inspired to serve in the aftermath of 9/11 and committed to shaping and advocating for tough, smart national security solutions. We are united in the belief that America is strongest when we stand with our allies to lead, support, and defend a growing global community of free people and just societies.

Please register here.  (https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0ocOCvqDIpHNEzF3WtT_0njy1x2inWaSO2)


Election Information: 

Our nominating committee would like to submit the following slate of names*:

President: Lauren Macdonald

Vice-President: Will Moore

Secretary: Darlanne Mulmat

Treasurer: Susan Lane

Membership: Tricia Tellefsen

Publicity: Kathy Krevat

*The floor will be open for additional nominations at the meeting.